About this blog

Welcome! This blog is about global health nutrition reasearch and practice. I am trying to connect the dots to larger issues and relate back to domestic public health challenges in the United States.

Mainly, I am blogging because:

  1. Of word limits in scientific papers.
  2. I want to communicate scientific results.
  3. I want to document challenges for women in global health to highlight possible solutions.
  4. I want and value constructive feedback.
  5. I want to improve writing.
  6. I want to shape and structure my random thoughts/vent.
  7. I want to highlight good practices in global health.
  8. I want to encourage scientific discourse* 

And because I am a mom, I have a list for e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. 

*My hope is to facilitate scientific discourse with the topics presented in this blog, some posts are created with that intention in mind. Feel free to tweet your opinions/[dis]agreement/comments/concerns. If you have an opinion and do not want to say it publicly, email me at rambikapathi[@]gmail.com 

The aim of this blog is to collectively process, reflect, and offer hope to move global health nutrition forward, both in research and practice. Are you interested in contributing or want me to research/write about a topic, please email me. I would be so very excited to do that, and happy to co-write/edit these topics. Looking specifically for women, young researchers, LMIC representations, senior experts, and human beings.